Fresh Perspectives on Fall — Golden Aspens and a Big Sky
This week I present a fifth episode in a short series of “Fresh Perspectives on Fall”, sharing some of my new ways of seeing this season.  Previously, I presented images showing an overlap of summer and winter, a juxtaposition of the seasonal and the seasonless, sunshine in a parting storm, and a ravine in shadow.  This week I present a vibrant scene of golden aspens set against a big sky.
Nearby and facing in the opposite direction of sunshine in a parting storm, I looked up-hill toward a very lush scene.  The clearing storm had made everything clean and wet, which intensified the colors of the leaves and grass.  I was drawn to the assemblage of golden-leafed aspens, an occasional blushing maple, and this fantastic blue sky with clouds dissipating rapidly.  The actors of this stunning performance put on their show even though I was the only one in the audience — routine excuses things like “bad” weather, school, and work kept everyone but me away from this theatre.
There is a pang of guilt when I’m by myself experiencing such beauty.  I want to be sharing it with loved ones.  On this day, the loved ones were all snagged by one of the aforementioned routine excuses.  The best I could do was to capture it as well as I could with my camera, and hope that I did the scene justice so that others, who see this two-dimensional image, have some appreciable approximation of my experience: crisp air, gentle smells of fall leaves, wet socks and pant legs (from trudging through the grasses), and being close enough to the stage that you have to turn your neck from side to side in order to take it all in.  This was a great time at a great place.
Photo of the Week